It will allow you to take payments by card at your exhibition stand, so you don’t need to rely on your customers carrying cash with them – bear in mind that very few exhibition visitors will carry cash on them, which is especially true if yours is a high-value product. You can also use the iZettle app to process cash payments and issue receipts for all transactions.
The next (optional) step will be to set up your products as options for your transactions. If selling a stock of set products then it can help to create a seamless transaction if you load all your available product types to the app library ready for customers to purchase at the exhibition. To do this, select “Library” from the home screen, “Edit”, “+” and then “Product” to create a brand new product. You can add the price, title and even images of this product to the app library at this point. Make sure you select “Save” to keep this information stored ready for your exhibition. If you’ve set up products and would also like to set up fixed discounts then return to the Library menu and select “Edit”, “+” and “Discount”. You can input percentage or price discounts and save these.
With products and discounts in your library, you’ll be able to quickly select these items within the app and avoid having to input any prices on the exhibition day. If you’d rather not create a library of products then you can create unique transactions on the day, see below for instructions on how to make a transaction.
That’s all! If this seems like a complicated process now, you’ll quickly get the hang of it, and can of course practice by making some payments to yourself prior to the exhibition. If you have any trouble with setting your company up with the iZettle or while using the card reader and printer, there are full instructions on the iZettle website at the following link:
While waiting for the iZettle to arrive:
The only action you need to take prior to the exhibition is to download the iZettle app to your bluetooth-compatible Apple or Android device and create an account from the first page of the app. You’ll need to choose between using your personal UK bank account if exhibiting as a sole trader, or your company UK bank account if trading as a company and enter these account details when prompted. You can skip past the prompt to purchase a card reader as you’ll have one already or it will be on its way to you.Once the iZettle arrives:
Next, you’ll need to connect the iZettle card reader you’ve received to the app you’ve already downloaded. Within the app enter the Settings and select “Card Readers”. You can then select “Connect Card Reader” and follow the onscreen prompts to connect your app to the iZettle card reader. If you’ve also hired a receipt printer then you’ll need to connect this to the app, by returning to Settings, selecting “Accessories” and then “Add AirPrint Printer” which will load a list of available printers from which you just need to select yours.The next (optional) step will be to set up your products as options for your transactions. If selling a stock of set products then it can help to create a seamless transaction if you load all your available product types to the app library ready for customers to purchase at the exhibition. To do this, select “Library” from the home screen, “Edit”, “+” and then “Product” to create a brand new product. You can add the price, title and even images of this product to the app library at this point. Make sure you select “Save” to keep this information stored ready for your exhibition. If you’ve set up products and would also like to set up fixed discounts then return to the Library menu and select “Edit”, “+” and “Discount”. You can input percentage or price discounts and save these.
With products and discounts in your library, you’ll be able to quickly select these items within the app and avoid having to input any prices on the exhibition day. If you’d rather not create a library of products then you can create unique transactions on the day, see below for instructions on how to make a transaction.
At the exhibition:
Congratulations – you’ve made a sale! Now to take the customer’s payment as smoothly as possible. To create a new transaction using products from your library go to the Library area. Selecting the products you’ve sold will add them to the basket, which you can then view through the basket icon, and then click “Charge” to proceed. You’ll be asked whether the payment will be by cash or card. If taking a cash payment select this option and enter the amount the customer has given to you, the app will prompt you to issue change if applicable. Once you press OK you will be taken to the receipt page. If you select the card payment option, the transaction will appear on the screen of the iZettle card reader. Ask the customer to insert their card and enter their pin, or touch the screen of the card reader with their card for a contactless payment. You’ll then be taken to the receipts page on the app where you can choose to issue your customer’s receipt by printing it to your bluetooth printer, to the customer’s email address or even by text message, in which case you’ll need to take these details from the customer.That’s all! If this seems like a complicated process now, you’ll quickly get the hang of it, and can of course practice by making some payments to yourself prior to the exhibition. If you have any trouble with setting your company up with the iZettle or while using the card reader and printer, there are full instructions on the iZettle website at the following link: