Here are some frequently asked questions:
Sockets - what should I order?
To figure out the wattage you need, check the amps your appliance uses and multiply by 240. For example, if a TV uses 1.6 amps, multiplying by 240 gives you 384 watts. Therefore, you'll need a socket that supports at least 500 watts.Here's a tip! The wattages provided are for guidance. Always check the appliance nameplate or manufacturer's manual for the maximum wattage.
How many Spotlights should I order?
A common guideline for a shell scheme stand is to have one spotlight for every 3 square metres of space. However, this rule might not be suitable for space-only stands, which often have more complex designs.Exhibition Stand of Wagner Renewables - Solar Storage Live 2024
Do I need to order lighting from the on-site electrical contractor?
No. We supply the necessary LED lights for your stand. Our project managers will furnish you with an electrical plan for these lights, which will then need to be coordinated through the organiser's electrical contractor. If you've booked a shell scheme package, lighting is often included, but it's advisable to confirm with the organiser if you're uncertain.Arranging with the on-site contractor ahead of time may qualify you for an early bird discount, so it's wise to inquire about this. Additionally, any additional requirements not pre-booked on the day of the event may incur an additional surcharge.
Can I use an extension lead?
Absolutely, we'll provide cable tidy solutions for any floor-running leads. However, please bear in mind the following guidelines:- Stick to using only one extension lead per socket.
- Ensure the total wattage of all items connected to the extension lead doesn't exceed the socket's capacity.
- The extension lead should feature a flexible cord, limited to 2 metres in length.
- Avoid using multi-way plugs (cubes) in this setup.
Why do electrical contractors add a testing charge to my electrics order?
To meet British safety standards, it's necessary to have your appliances tested in accordance with regulations. This might incur a testing fee from the contractor; feel free to reach out to them for further details regarding this matter.Can I use my own lighting?
You can use your own lighting as long as it meets the required standard (BS 7671). Alternatively, if the lighting is fitted with a domestic UK plug, it must undergo P.A.T testing. Ensure these tests are completed by a qualified electrician before arriving on-site.Exhibition Stand of Compro - BETT 2024
Do I need 24 hour power?
Inform the contractor if you require continuous power for a fridge or freezer that must remain operational round the clock. Additionally, if you have perishable items like ice-cream requiring overnight refrigeration, remember to request 24-hour power.Why can there be power outages at shows?
When neighbours exceed their stand's power limit, it can lead to blown fuses affecting your stand and adjacent ones. This is a common cause of power outages at shows, as all supplies are rigorously tested. While it will be swiftly resolved, it can be inconvenient for you and fellow exhibitors. To avoid such issues, don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure about your power requirements.Ensuring you have the right amount of electricity for your exhibition stand is crucial to avoid disruptions and maintain a positive brand image. Power outages can significantly impact your stand's effectiveness and reflect poorly on your brand. At ExpoCart, we specialise in custom modular exhibition stands and provide guidance on your power requirements. By accurately specifying your devices and equipment, we can advise on what to order from the exhibition organiser's electrical contractor. We recommend ordering early to benefit from early bird discounts. Get in touch with us today to bring your brand to life with a modular exhibition stand, with our team ready to support you at every stage.